Explore Your Inner World
THE WONDERFUL GIFT OF guardian angels
“If a man have an angel to whom one would listen once in a thousand times, the angel would show him the way of uprightness”
Job 33:23
PATHWAYS.EVENTS is owned and managed by the INNER PEACE MOVEMENT INTERNATIONAL Australia (IPMI). The purpose of this page is to allow searchers an opportunity to see the big picture of all the other programmes and events available under this educational system of spiritual growth.
MAIN EVENT easter 2024
HOW TO EXPAND YOUR spiritual awareness

Free Talks
Inner Peace Movement: Expand your spiritual picture and life purpose.
Astro Soul: Explore levels and dimensions of the universe and see yourself as a soul experiencing many lifetimes.
Circle of Love: Heal and fellowship with angels to understand loyalties to self, loved ones and community.

Lectures & Workshops
Inner Peace Movement: Identify your spiritual direction, loyalty to yourself and true worth.
Astro Soul: Gain a bigger picture of your soul wisdom, explore past lifetimes and become one with the universe.
Circle of Love: Become one with all things through healing and understanding the cycles of life and feel the infinite love of Spirit.

Group Work
Inner Peace Movement: Learn to communicate with your inner guidance through meditation and experience energy techniques to build inner leadership.
Astro Soul: Explore different dimensions and states of consciousness, experience techniques to heal past life times and loved ones.
Circle of Love: Heal and feel unconditional love, and release ideas of prestige and being overwhelmed.

Master Class
In Master Classes we learn to meditate with our angels to explore our psychic abilities. We clarify understanding of spiritual strengths and weaknesses and refine our inner and outer communication.

Psychic fair
Fun Psychic Fair – you will receive messages from your Angels.

Easter Retreat
Upcoming Events
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